Jannuzzi Smith
Please tell me your brief personal history.
デザイナーとしてのキャリアのスタートはアメリカで、ウェブ業界が台頭しはじめた1994-95年頃のニューヨークのストリートには、素晴らしいデザインや音楽が溢れていました。イタリアではベネトングループのFabrica1にディレクターとして在籍し、その後、ロンドンでも活動しています。スイスに帰国後は、アルベルト・ビアンダ(直感力があり繊細さを持ち合わせた才能あるデザイナー)と共に、約10年間にわたって多数の受賞に繋がる素晴らしプロジェクトを手がけてきました。カブリエル・バジリコ2やフェルディナンド・シアナ3といった著名なイタリア人写真家たちと協働した出版や展覧会のプロジェクトは特に記憶に残るものです。現職のJannuzzi Smithに関わるようになったのはその後で、文化関連や学校のブランディングプロジェクトを扱う昔ながらの堅実なデザイン事務所です。
I was born in Naples and grew up in the southernmost part of Switzerland bordering Italy. Growing up in a state of continuous challenge in such a hybrid environment with constant cultural confrontation, I believe that this has influenced my way of acting professionally.
My career as a designer began in America. It was 1994–95 when the web industry was emerging, and New York was inundated with exciting designs and music. In Italy I joined Fabrica1 as director, and then later worked in London. Upon returning to Switzerland, I, together with Alberto Bianda (a skilled designer with great intuition and sensitivity), have created wonderful projects that have led us to collect a fair number of awards. I remember with particular pleasure the publishing and exhibition projects developed with some of the great Italian photographers, including Gabriele Basilico2 and Ferdinando Scianna3. After these experiences, the one that I am still involved with today is Jannuzzi Smith, a more classic design office mostly engaged in branding projects in the cultural and institutional field.
デザイナーになったきっかけは何だったのでしょうか? また、どんなデザイナーに影響を受けましたか?
What influenced you to become a designer? Which designers inspired you?
I was first fascinated by the form of typefaces, and then became interested in design works using such typefaces. That is why I became a designer.
The works which inspired me were those by masters such as Max Huber, Serge Libiszewski and Bruno Monguzzi. All of them emigrated from Switzerland to Milan, and their work itself is representative of this “hybrid” dimension, of a design process that grows within the frontier areas between the great Swiss graphic tradition and the immense creativity and inventiveness of Italian design.
Particularly, the great influence on us young designers was the incredible series of posters designed by Bruno Monguzzi for the Museo Cantonale d’Arte. I have always admired Bruno’s great ability to reinvent himself in every project which appeared every three to four months, while remaining faithful to a deep analytical process, cultured and never banal. Discovering those posters on the streets was always a visual adventure.
What are your recent projects?
The studio produces a large number of projects from print to the web, passing through the moving image. Many of them involve the creation of images for events that are presented annually to the public. This is an exercise in which you find yourself generating an ever new image within a predetermined visual context (brand image). Guaranteeing recognition and, at the same time, always innovating is an exciting professional practice in which we are perfectly at ease. Examples of these projects are the Locarno International Film Festival, Jazz Ascona, Cinémathèque Suisse and the Eventi Letterari Monte Verità.
In forging a relationship between the international film festival and the local people, what is the role of branding and visual communication design you have been working on for the past decade?
On the one hand, the festival has a global ambition, as it is one of the world’s leading film festivals. This requires us to identify a strong and recognizable visual language. On the other hand, a small town like Locarno must become the city of cinema for ten days every year. We aim to create a place and identity where, not only visitors, but also the local citizens can perceive that they are in a particular and unique place.
Specifically, we work based on the idea to temporarily change the identity of the city, not only to designing posters and catalogs. Once you enter the city during the festival, you surely notice that its visual landscape is totally different from usual. Locarno transforms itself to another city during the festival.
You apparently introduced an auto-generated editing tool for designing the program. Tell me about it.
I use the auto-generated tool also for other projects, but here I wanted to have regularity in the structure of information for layout development by defining the style including letters, paragraphs, cells, and tables. Defined data is then written out as code which will be converted by an application of InDesign and the like. The text, arrangement of images, sizes and number are adjustable in every output format. This allows the generation of designs for not only printed matter, but websites and applications from a single source.
With this tool, when for example editing text, the authors and translators can directly write on the database, confirm the contents and preview the layout. In other words, it enables each of those involved to check separately the restriction of volume and format and avoid mistakes of layout and typographical errors. I therefore make maximum use of this, regarding it as a medium- to long-term investment.
Why did you relocate your office from the city center of Lugano to the countryside, despite being actively involved in frontline visual communication design work?
Because the city center did not bring us any particular advantages. I felt restless and could not take a moment to stop and think about things there. It is chaotic with many people, heavy traffic, and air pollution. On the other hand, where I am now is a more introspective place, which allows you to distance yourself from projects and see them from above. Time passes differently here.
However, it does not mean that I am leisurely enjoying my life away from work. In fact, I do not have a typical life pattern. I’m often out of the office, following projects, meeting customers or in class at the university. Because everyday is new, it allows me to deal with things in a different way even when the problems that arise are similar. Technology helps me to keep an eye on everything that happens in the various projects.
You have taught at a number of universities. Do you find any changes in students over the past ten years?
Students of today are now aware of the meaning of being online and offline. I try to impart a lot of knowledge and skills to them just as before, but teaching is more and more difficult. As the technologies and skills I teach now will be a thing of the past in five or even three years, it is necessary to have them think about and analyze the meaning of media and the drastic changes in communication. I believe that even the means of output changes with time, the process by which we analyze and solve problems remains the basis of design, which we can utilize and will be deeply implanted in our mind throughout our lifetime.
Latest Work
Locarno Film Festival
Locarno Film Festival
Visual identity, 2006– present
Visual identity, 2006– present
Royal College of Art
Royal College of Art
Visual identity, 2010
Visual identity, 2010