Alfio Mazzei



Please tell me your brief personal history, and how you became interested in graphic design.





I grew up in a small village in the southern region of the Italian part of Switzerland. My mother was from Milan and through her and her friends I got to know music and art. Sometimes she took me to Milan to visit her friends, many of whom were involved in music and art, including the music producer Giacomo Spazio1. I think those experiences deeply influenced my approach to the visual world and led me to enrol at art school.

At school, I initially majored in display exhibition design, but then moved to visual communication, where Bruno Monguzzi was teaching. I was fascinated by the method and theory of perception, as well as visual composition (gestalt) and of course, the Swiss style.

In the years at school I encountered works by Bruno Monguzzi, Max Huber, Wolfgang Weingart2, and others of that generation, as well as the classic Swiss masters like Müller-Brockmann and Armin Hofmann who represent the Swiss DNA. Among them, the contemporary works of Cornel Windlin3 and Norm were very exciting. There was a strong will of finding a new way in graphic design, somewhere between tradition and experimentation.

Following graduation, I moved to Milan and began working at my artist friend’s studio on various projects that were mainly music related.


Please tell me about your recent projects.



Our latest project is Pigra (lazy in Italian) is a new brand of promotional pens, with Italianity at the core of its identity. The brand plays ironically with the stereotype of Italians being lazy, which turns out to be totally wrong. In fact, Italians work so hard and so fast that customers can sit down and be lazy themselves. The logo letters are rounded and comfortable like a sofa, inviting one to sit and chill out.

As a long-term project, I am developing, together with a couple of other designers, the visual identity system for the City of Lugano4, which started from a logo design competition that we won. The heraldic shield was redesigned, considering all the content of the new brief. When involved in such public projects, it is very satisfying to work with a sense of responsibility, while knowing that one is making the life of the local citizens a little bit better and easier. It can also extend design beyond the usual audience, to the old as well as the young.


Your design works often emphasize typography. What inspires you? How do you regard the relationship between today’s visual communication and typography-based design?




In terms of typography, for example in working for visual identity design, I try to formulate a system by maintaining a simple form.

Design inspiration comes to me from everything that can walk that line between the Swiss style tradition and invention, however I am often inspired by music. When designing for music, one encounters a certain atmosphere, ideas and sounds which cannot be expressed in words or pictures, and one must develop one’s own style from them. Such process using experimental elements is a very exciting experience.

If you derive fun from what you do it will surely be transmitted to your design, and your design will transmit it to the viewer. Fun does not have to be translated in sparkling design, I can have a lot of fun doing a sober black and white poster or technical data tables. Even if I no longer had to work for a living one day, my lifestyle would not change so much. I truly enjoy the work of design.


What is your typical work day like?


On my typical work day, I get up and have breakfast if I have time, and jump on my Vespa and drive to my workplace 5-10 minutes away. It is a very stimulating place to which various people come and go, having a web independent radio station in the same space, while other designers work there and friends drop by to say hello. I usually work until 7 pm. The town offers very little to do in the evening but we are fortunate to have Lake Como nearby. I sometimes visit Milan as there is a lot going on there.


How do you balance your workload?




Balancing my workload has been quite complicated recently. As an independent designer all the work needs to be done by myself, and I sometimes get really busy. Since September 2018, I have been working almost every day, including most weekends. This is exhausting.

Although conveniently located near to Milan and Zurich, the disadvantage of Chiasso is that there are very few opportunities for young designers to receive professional training as there is not much going on in the design industry. Usually they go to other Swiss cities and eventually do not return. Therefore it is hard to find freelance help once in a while in order to maintain a constant work load for a single designer.

Chiasso is an important base for me where I have a network of friends and clients. After moving to Milan, I travelled to many countries. I spent time in the Netherlands and a small village on the coast in Andalusia, Spain, where I, while freelancing for some clients in Zurich and Ticino, often went surfing and built a little house on a hill with the help of local builders.


Does the multi-linguistic culture of Switzerland influence visual communication design?



The identity of Europe itself is made out of a dense diversity, which we also find in design. I think living in a country at the heart of Europe with three national languages is profoundly European. We can say that Switzerland itself is a small Europe.

Every language comes with a way of thinking, sometimes with untranslatable concepts. Sometimes there just are not the right words. Understanding many languages means of course understanding many cultures, which is definitely an advantage.

Interviewed: 2019.3.9
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Visual identity, 2019

Visual identity, 2019

Like lovers in the dark

Like lovers in the dark

Record packaging, 2016

Record packaging, 2016


Alfio Mazzei(アルフィオ・マッツェイ)
1977年1月ローマに生まれ、スイス南部の小さな街ティチーノで育つ。ルガノのSUPSIアート・スクールでビジュアル・コミュニケーションを専攻。2002年に卒業後、イタリア、オランダ、スペイン、スイス各地で仕事をし、スイスに自身のスタジオを設立・運営。2005年には二人の友人と共に音楽レーベル「Pulver und Asche Records」を設立し、マッツェイがすべてのパッケージとデザインを担当している。2013年からはイギリスのデザイナーでRM&COを主宰するピート・ロッシとのコラボレーションも行っている。現在はスイスのキアッソに拠点を置く。

Alfio Mazzei
Alfio Mazzei was born in Rome in January 1977. He grew up in a small town in the south of Switzerland (Ticino) and graduated in visual communication from Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), Lugano in 2002. He went on to work in Italy, Holland, Spain and Switzerland, where he runs his own independent studio. In 2005, together with two friends he founded the music label ‘Pulver und Asche Records’ for which Mazzei is taking care of all the packaging and design. From 2013 he has been collaborating with UK designer Pete Rossi, RM&CO. He is currently based in Chiasso, Switzerland.

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