Mario Botta



At the moment, what do you think the role of the designer will be in the future?


The role of the designer is closely linked to the evolution of our way of life and therefore also to our customs. I believe it is a role which will become more and more distinct from the role of architecture. Architecture must provide living spaces which last a lifetime, whereas the types of spaces and objects which are created by a designer need to change rapidly so as to adapt to the rapid changes which have come about regarding the very purpose of these objects. Therefore, I believe that the skilled crafts of architect and designer are destined to pursue very different paths from one another.

40年間のキャリアの中で、デザイナーの役割とデザイナーのコミュニケーション方法の何が変化したとお考えですか? 変化はとても早いものだとお考えでしょうか?

In your opinion, over the course of the last forty years, what has changed in the designer’s role and his methods of communication? Do you believe the change has been very quick?


Yes, there has been rapid change, as I have already said, and this has been seen clearly by my generation. Forty or fifty years ago, the things produced by the design industry were made to endure. They would survive for at least twenty to thirty years. Even the most humble objects such as a table or chair —though perhaps not a television or a domestic appliance—were designed to last for a long time. Our generation has witnessed a dramatic transformation in the sense that designed objects are now subject to the demands of consumption, and therefore of current trends, to a much greater degree than in the past.

Accademia di architetturaには、インターナショナルな学生と講師が揃っています。20年前も現在もインターナショナルな教授が同学校で教職に就く理由は何でしょうか?

With regard to the Academy of Architecture, here in Mendrisio, where there are both international students and teachers, why would an international professor accept a position teaching about the past, either twenty years ago or today?


I believe they would be attracted by the cultural profile of the school. We opened this school about twenty years ago, thinking that, in order to respond to the rapid and complex nature of change, and the other abilities that modern culture requires, a humanist education would be the most important requirement for an architect. This kind of education places mankind at the center and so this is in keeping with the great Italian and Mediterranean cultural tradition. To this end, we have placed a greater emphasis on subjects like philosophy, history of art, and the nation’s history, with less importance given to mathematics, logic, and engineering. Of course, these latter disciplines are needed by the architect, but they are no longer disciplines which the architect employs directly. After all, there are engineers specialising in traffic and in construction and so on. So, the purpose of this education for the architect is to separate out these different aspects of construction. To this end, we have created a humanist educational perspective. I believe that outside, in the real world, there is a considerable awareness that technical development exhibits all the difficulties and inconveniences, whereas a humanist perspective, with subjects involving thought and philosophy, and more linked to history, will lead to opportunities for greater reflection when constructing the new human living space.


How do you think it is possible for young people to keep up with things when faced with so much information and so many alternative possibilities?


Architecture is a profession which affects many aspects of life and it is no longer possible to teach just a single set of skills. The university must teach a basic strategy for architecture, saying for example that the organization of living space requires large international transport networks, and so on. However, it also needs to touch on the more local reality of life. Therefore, the school must pose problems to its students, but it must not provide them with the solutions. In other words, it should raise problems in such a manner that the school calls into question the way in which the world is organised.


Do you think that the education of children, or pedagogy, both today and in the future, should concern itself with creativity?


School should not be a visionary institution, but it must provide the critical tools needed and then it is for young people themselves to decide whether something should be done in one way or another. The ideas of life are more powerful than the ideas of architects. In this way, it is life itself which determines the necessary rhythms and priorities when it comes to decision-making about what should be done first, and what should be done later, about the things which are more important, and those which are less important.


A final question. Are you confident about what lies in store for us, in the future, in life and in the area of creativity?


Yes. I think that as long as man continues to exist, there will be a need for housing, and therefore a need for architecture. So many people will require so many houses. The city has become the home of mankind, and so, regarding the future, I believe that as long as people exist, there will be a need for places to live in, for protection, and so for construction itself. However, what form that will take, I cannot say. How this will be done will be dictated by the nature of human life, the tools, new materials and new technology available. But given that mankind is at the center, it is worth saying that also the architect must pay attention to the ecological balance of the solar cycle, to the changing seasons, and so on. That is because these are natural values that have become dwelling rights. I have the right to experience spring, summer, autumn and winter, and so I would want these features —which are part of man’s cycle of growth— to be expressed through the medium of architecture.


In your opinion, what is the most important thing for the designer both now and in the future?


It is difficult to pin that down precisely. Everything is important. We cannot say what is more or less important. However, whatever we do, we must do it in a way which enables man to benefit most from natural values such as natural light, the climate, and our relationship with the land, the solar cycle, the stars and the moon, and those cosmic elements which are part of our living environment. So, there we are. I hope that the designer will show awareness of all these elements.

Interviewed: 2019.3.16
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Mario Botta(マリオ・ボッタ)

Mario Botta
Born in Mendrisio, Ticino, on April 1, 1943. After an apprenticeship in Lugano, he first attended the Art College in Milan and then studied at the University Institute of Architecture Venice, where he graduated in 1969. His professional activity began in 1970 in Lugano and after his first single-family houses in Ticino his work has encompassed all building typologies: schools, banks, administrative buildings, libraries, museums, churches and synagogues. He has always devoted himself to intense architectural research and in 1996 he was among the prime movers of the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, where he taught until 2018. His work has been recognized with important awards and has been presented in many exhibitions.