Form #1: FormSWISS Exhibition in Kyoto
Form #1: FormSWISS 京都展(京都dddギャラリー)
そのFormの第一弾としてスイスを選び、東京、神戸で行った現在進行形のスイスのビジュアルデザイン(グラフィックデザイン、タイポグラフィ、モーショングラフィックスなど)と、そのデザイン的思考やライフスタイルにフォーカスしたデザイン展「FormSWISS」の巡回展を京都dddギャラリーで開催します。スイスの小さな村や街から国境を越えて世界のデザイン界に影響を与えているデザイナーを中心に、デザイン大学、美術館など 15組への貴重なインタビュー映像の上映や現在のスイスデザインを代表するトップデザイナー達の出品展示、多分野のクリエイター達を交えてのパネルディスカッションなどを通 じて、スイスの多様なデザインや教育 、ライフスタイルや価値観などをデザイン的視点から多角的に紹介していきます。本展を通じ、私たちが思い描く従来の“スイスデザイン”のイメージとは異なるスイスデザインを体験してください。
場所:京都市下京区烏丸通四条下ル水銀屋町620 COCON烏丸3F
会期:10月5日(水)— 11月20日(日)11:00—19:00
休館日: 月曜日(祝日・振替休日の場合はその翌日)、 祝日の翌日(土日にあたる場合は開館)
Alfio Mazzei(アルフィオ・マッツェイ)、Balmer Hählen(バルマー・ヘレン)、CCRZ(シー・シー・アール・ゼット)、ECAL(ローザンヌ州立美術大学)、Futur Neue(フートゥル・ノイエ)、Gavillet & Cie(ギャヴィエ&シ)、Hubertus Design(フーベルトス・デザイン)、Jannuzzi Smith(ヤヌッチ・スミス)、Kasper-Florio(キャスパー・フロリオ)、Notter+Vigne(ノッテル+ヴィーニュ)、Simone Cavadini(シモーネ・カヴァディーニ)、Studio Feixen(スタジオ・フェイクセン)、Supero(スーペロ)、Swiss Typefaces(スイス・タイプフェイシズ)、ZHdK(チューリッヒ芸術大学)
共催:&Form LLC
展示グラフィック/レイアウト:&Form LLC
Form #1: FormSWISS Exhibition in Kyoto
October 05— November 20 2022
An exhibition introducing the current scope of design and its thinking, envisioned by Swiss design of today.
While the online environment is rapidly expanding into all areas of our lives and we can instantly access all kinds of information anywhere, there are still some things that we can only obtain in the real world. This notion occurred to me anew back in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, when I went on a solo trip for a month in Switzerland to carry out research on design. I organized everything myself for this trip; I drew up a list of designers, design schools, and museums, made my own appointments to visit them, and traveled there by train, camera in hand. Global design platform “Form” is an ongoing design project that explores the roles, significance, philosophy, and education of the designers of the future through research and dialogue with designers and design education institutions around the world, and disseminates the findings through media, exhibitions, educational opportunities, and other means. The impetus for launching Form came from a hunch I had that now would be a good time to pause and reflect once again on such things as the beauty and function of design, the philosophy of design, and what it means to live an enriched life.
I chose to focus on Switzerland for the first round of Form. FormSWISS is a traveling exhibition focusing on current Swiss visual design (graphic design, typography, motion graphics, etc.), its philosophy and lifestyle. The exhibition, which has been held in Tokyo and Kobe, will now be held at kyoto ddd gallery. Focusing on designers from small villages and towns in Switzerland who are influencing the world of design beyond national borders, the exhibition will also feature video interviews with 15 designers from design universities and museums, exhibits by top designers representing current Swiss design, and panel discussions with creators from various fields. Through these and other means, the exhibition presents a multidimensional introduction to the diversity of Swiss design, education, lifestyles, and values from a design perspective. I hope that through this exhibition, visitors will get to experience Swiss design in ways that are different from the conventional image of Swiss design.
kyoto ddd gallery
Place: 3F COCON KARASUMA, 620 Suiginya-cho, Karasuma-dori Shijo-sagaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City
Date: October 5— November 20 2022 / 11:00—19:00
Closed: Monday (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday or a substitute holiday), the day after a national holiday (open if Saturday or Sunday falls on a national holiday)
Alfio Mazzei, Balmer Hählen, CCRZ, ECAL, Futur Neue, Gavillet & Cie, Hubertus Design, Jannuzzi Smith, Kasper-Florio, Notter+Vigne, Simone Cavadini, Studio Feixen, Supero, Swiss Typefaces, ZHdK
DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion
Exhibition design:
Ryuji Nakamura and Associates
Exhibition graphics / layout:
&Form LLC