Balmer Hählen
Could you please tell me a little bit about yourself?
私はラ・ショー=ド=フォンで建築の分野を学び、その後大学でヴィジュアルコミュニケーションデザインを学びました。「Design Days」という名のインダストリアルデザインのイベントを5年間共催し、それと平行してイヴォ・ヘレンとグラフィックデザインスタジオを始めました。また、昨年にはカルチュラルマネジメントの高等研究の学位を取得しています。
After more than 8 years of professional experience as a graphic designer and art director in the oldest agencies in Switzerland, Yvo Hählen started his own graphic design studio with me, Priscilla Balmer. I started my studies in the architectural field in La Chaux-de-Fonds, after which I studied and graduated in Visual Communication Design. I co-organized for 5 years an industrial design event called Design Days, and in parallel with this I started my own graphic design studio with Yvo Hählen. Last year, I obtained a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Cultural Management.
What influenced you to become a designer? What inspires you?
2人とも、子どもの頃からいつも絵を描いていて、クリエイティヴなものに興味がありました。デザインを学び始めた頃、スイスのモダニズムやバウハウス、ヨゼフ・ミューラー=ブロックマン 1、アーミン・ホフマン 2、カール・ゲルストナー 3やミース・ファン・デル・ローエなどから影響を受けました。自分たちの仕事にも巨匠たちの時を超越したアプローチと同じ哲学を維持したいと思っています。スイスおよびスイス・フランス語圏の偉大なデザイナーであるヴェルネル・イェカー 4の作品を子どもの頃にローザンヌの街角の至るところで目にしていたので、彼の仕事にも敬意を抱いています。2018年、キエフにある在ウクライナスイス大使館がキュレーションした展覧会に、彼と同じく招待されたことは光栄でした。
Since we were young we were drawing all the time and were interested in the creative field. At the beginning of our studies, we were influenced by Swiss Modernism and the
Bauhaus with designers and architects like Josef Müller-Brockmann1, Armin Hoffman2, Karl Gerstner 3and Mies van der Rohe. We still like to keep in our works the same philosophy with a timeless approach.
We were also in admiration of the work of Werner Jeker 4 who is a legend in Switzerland and particularly in the Swiss-French part. His work was everywhere in the Lausanne streets during our childhood. We were honored to be invited in 2018 to do an exhibition with him and which was curated by the Swiss Embassy in Kiev (Ukraine).
What are your recent projects?
現在進行中のアイデンティティに関するプロジェクトのひとつが、2019年9月にローザンヌにオープンしたFabienne Levy(ファビアン・レヴィ)というアートギャラリーの仕事です。このプロジェクトは特に積極的に、かつ非常に楽しく仕事をしました。直近では、Musée de l’Elysée(エリゼ美術館)の「ジャン・グルーバー———形の実験室」展のグラフィックデザインがあります。同展覧会は、2017年に個人コレクションから同美術館のコレクションに追加されたアメリカ人写真家ジャン・グルーバー(1943–2012年)の生涯の作品の初の回顧展です。私たちにとっては新しいタイプのプロジェクトで、色や壁のレイアウトを選びました。美術館は私たちを信頼してくれましたし、出来栄えに満足しています。
At the moment, we have a lot of new identity programs in progress. One of these is for a contemporary art gallery called “Fabienne Levy” in Lausanne that opened in September 2019. We are really motivated and excited by this project.
We have just finished the graphic design for an exhibition called Jan Groover: Laboratory of Forms for the Musée de l’Elysée. This exhibition looks back for the first time at the life work of Jan Groover (1943-2012), the American photographer whose personal collection was added to the Musée de l’Elysée’s collection in 2017. For us it was a new kind of project, we chose the colors and layout of the walls. We are really pleased with this collaboration; the museum trusted us and we are happy with the result.
How do you balance your workload?
現在は、2019年夏にヴヴェイで開催された20年に一度の大規模なワイン祭「Fête des Vignerons 2019」のプロジェクトが私たちの仕事の60%を占めています。そのため、1週間のうち残りの40%で他のクライアントのプロジェクトを配分するようにしています。
We have a lot of different projects at the same time. We won three years ago a project for the biggest traditional event in our region, Fête des Vignerons 2019 which took place in the summer of 2019. At the moment this project represents 60% of our workload. So, we try to carry out the other projects for different clients during the week in the other 40%. That’s also a reason why we work at home in the evening for side projects (like working on a new website).
What is your typical workday like?
Every morning before going to work, we do a walk with our dogs in the forest near the studio. It’s good for the soul and the body. Your mind is free and it can also let you think about projects with fresh air. After this calm moment we start to work at 9:00–9:30, make the schedule for the day and start to work. At noon, we usually eat with the team at the studio or outside if the weather is nice. At the beginning of the afternoon, everybody in the studio goes for a little walk with the dogs before starting work again. We finish work between 5:30 and 6:30. Sport divides our days too, badminton for Yvo and pilates for Priscilla.

What is it like to work in Laussane?
Lausanne is for us a cultural capital. The city of Lausanne offers many activities in this area, many museums, theaters, music concerts, art galleries, artistic events and independent cinema. To summarize, there is always something to do, every week. This is a chance for us graphic designers. The cultural field allows us to realize beautiful projects with a graphic freedom. There are also a lot of graphic designers in Lausanne. The competition is tough, but also a source of motivation.
Switzerland is a multilingual country. What are some advantages?
It is not an advantage to work in a country where languages are different. Indeed, we work mainly for our French language region. But we would like to have more projects in the whole of Switzerland. The advantage of its different languages is the cultural diversity and mentality that our country offers.
Interview: Priscilla Balmer, Co-founder

FCMA 20 ans
FCMA 20 ans
Visual identity, 2017
Visual identity, 2017

Rendez-vous des créateurs
Rendez-vous des créateurs
Visual identity, 2017
Visual identity, 2017