

Please tell me your brief personal history.


We have known each other since art school. That’s when we started working together. After art school, we both did internships in different graphic design offices across Europe. Passionate about graphic design and very complementary, we have always worked as a pair.

デザイナーになったきっかけは何だったのでしょうか? また、どんなデザイナーに影響を受けましたか?

What influenced you to become a designer? Which designer inspired you?

ジェニファー・スニエ(以下JS): 文字の美しさに魅了されてきましたし、身近なものに興味をもっています。美しいものに囲まれることが好きですし、そうした環境に身を置き、自分自身を表現したいと思っていました。グラフィックデザイナーになればこれが可能かもしれない、と。私はステファン・サグマイスター1に多大な影響を受けました。彼のグラフィックデザインに対する考え方はいいなと思います。
サムエル・ペル(以下SP): 私が影響を受けたのはフィリップ・アペロワ2です。

Jennifer Sunier (JS): I have always been attracted to the beauty of letters and attentive to what surrounds me. I like being surrounded by beautiful things. I wanted to participate in that. To be able to express myself too. This could be possible by being a graphic designer. For my part, Stefan Sagmeister1 inspired me a lot. I like his graphic design thinking.
Samuel Perroud (SP): It’s Philippe Apeloig2 for me.


Could you tell me about your recent projects?

JS: ヌーシャテル州で行われる文化ビエンナーレ「Printemps Culturel」の2019年のテーマである「Grand Nord」のポスターでは冷たい氷の結晶、北極光と北極の極寒状態から着想を得ました。実際、寒色とタイポグラフィと角が重なり合い、凍えるような寒さを想起させます。北の「N」を上部にくるコンパスに見立て、NORDの文字を配置しました。色のついた幾何学の形が氷の結晶を表しています。偉大なる北地の北極光をイメージさせる深さと輝きをもった形態と文字を重ね合わせました。グレーの色合いが金属的な印象を与え、寒さを強調しています。イベント情報はポスターの四隅に配置し、ポスターの中心でNORDという単語が十分に存在感を放つようにしています。

JS: For the Grand Nord poster, we were inspired by the cold, ice crystals, aurora borealis, and extreme cold of the North Pole. Indeed, the cold colors and the typography with broken angles remind us of the freezing cold. We have placed the letters NORD as a compass with the “N” of North at the top.
The colorful geometric shapes represent the ice crystals. We have superimposed the forms and letters in such a way as to obtain a depth and a sparkle that could remind us of the aurora borealis of the Great North. The grey color gives a metallic impression that, once again, represents this cold. Information about the event is located at the four corners of the poster in order to let the word NORD live fully in the center of the poster.

フランスを代表するヴィジュアルコミュニケーションデザイナー、フィリップ・アペロワのスタジオで働いていらっしゃいましたね。フランスとスイスのフランス語圏で、デザインや仕事の進め方に違いはありますか? 違いがあるとすると、それは何でしょうか?

You used to work at the studio of Philippe Apeloig in France. Do you think there is any difference between France and the Swiss-French district in terms of design and work procedure?

SP: そうですね。スイスにおけるグラフィックデザインの影響3は様々(タイポグラフィ、厳格さ、グリッド等)です。フィリップ・アペロワは、スイスのグラフィックデザインを作品の参考としたり着想を得ており、近いと思います。

SP: Yes the influence of graphic design is different in Switzerland(typography, rigor, grid)3: Philippe Apeloig is closer to the Swiss graphic design that he often takes as a reference and is inspired by in his work


What does it mean to you to work in La Chaux-de-Fonds?


We think the city where you live does not matter from the moment you travel to discover new things. Living in La Chaux-de-Fonds pushes you to go to other cities. So we travel a lot.


Do you take different creative approaches between commercial and cultural projects?


No, the approach is the same and we can take inspiration from cultural projects for commercial projects and vice versa. Working for commercial projects can be very inspiring for cultural projects.


How do you maintain a balance between your life and work?



The office and our homes are a 10 minute walk away, which makes it possible to be both close and at the same time to easily separate work and private life.

Interview: Jennifer Sunier, Co-founder / Samuel Perroud, Co-founder

Interviewed: 2019.3.23
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Théâtre Populaire Romand

Théâtre Populaire Romand

Poster, catalog, 2019

Poster, catalog, 2019

Nuit de la Photo

Nuit de la Photo

Visual identity, 2018

Visual identity, 2018



Why settle for ordinary when you can have super? Not just creativity, this is Swiss creativity, mastered to perfection by an energetic team. SUPERO can’t get enough of this supremely Swiss style that combines simplicity and spontaneity in structured compositions. SUPERO designs for you, for today and forever. It says exactly what you want to say in a way you would never have imagined. It’s what makes it SUPERO. SUPERO was set up in 2008 by Jennifer Sunier and Samuel Perroud, after a magical cultural (and working) tour that took them from Paris to Berlin. From visual identity to communication, from local to international, just ask SUPERO.

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