Zurich University of the Arts



Could you please tell me a little bit about yourself?


I am Professor of Visual Communication and direct research and teaching in this area. I studied communication design in Germany, and
after a few years of working for publishing houses pursued a Master’s degree in History of Design at the Royal College of Art in London. After my MA degree I started teaching and completed a Ph.D. in Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading.
In Zurich I teach at the BA and MA level, as well as further education. I’m also responsible for developing new curricula and educational formats. As head of research in Visual Communication, I initiate research projects and collaborations with other universities and supervise Ph.D. students.
In recent years I have been broadening the scope of our study programs to enable students to approach the demands of complex communication more effectively. We see visual communication as dialog and engage with and respond to social, political and cultural developments. Our research aims to make implicit knowledge within our field tangible to produce new knowledge and methods.

ZHdKは「Internal Project Funding」という非常に興味深いプロジェクト提案の公募をされていました。具体的に教えてください。

ZHdK called for proposals as “Internal Project Funding”, which is very interesting. Could you please explain the details of the project?

学部内にデザイン領域における全てのリサーチの試みを統合するデザイン研究所があります。全デザイン領域から集まる代表者や研究者で構成されます。「Internal Project Funding」の公募は、研究者、アシスタントや大学院生が、自分たちのリサーチプロジェクトに着手し、継続することを支援できるようにするための研究所のツールなのです。たとえば、選任された修士課程の学生が卒業後に数か月がかりのプロジェクトを手がけ、博士課程の提案や第三者機関の助成申請に発展させたりします。研究者やアシスタントは、第三者機関の助成申請、または小規模プロジェクト、フィールドワーク、実験または試験に備え、予備研究のためにその資金を使うことができるのです。公募は各年で募集され、継続的に成功を収めています。

We have a design research institute within our department that integrates all research endeavors within the design disciplines. It consists of representatives and researchers from all design subject areas. The call for internal project funding is a tool of the institute to support research associates, assistants and graduates in initiating and pursuing their own research projects. One possible way, for instance, is that selected MA graduates work with us for several months after their studies and develop a PhD proposal and/or third-party funding application. Research associates and assistants can use the funding for pilot studies in preparation for third-party funding applications, or for small-scale projects, fieldwork, experiments or testing. The call is launched each year and has been very successful.


Could you tell me about the processes involved in preparing a student show?


Our graduate shows are planned months in advance since we know they are a career stepping stone for our graduates. We pair the in-house show with a publication and digital showcase. We usually have a strict exhibition concept that provides a cohesive identity for our study programs, but we also try to allow flexibility for the individual student projects.
Also, we have to consider multiple media and formats, ranging from websites to posters to printed publications to digital apps. Some student projects communicate through a mix of various media or require interactive features. Other students stage performances or set up installations and screenings. The show opening usually draws a large audience — these are often prospective students, friends, family and alumni, but also representatives from the design industry or collaboration partners.

卒展のデザインコンセプトやディレクションは誰が決めるのでしょうか? 展示全体をデザインするのは誰なのでしょうか?

Could you tell me who decides the design concept and design direction? Who designs the whole show?


We have in the past hired scenographers to create a design concept for our degree shows. Recently, however, we have shifted the conception and direction of the show in-house: it is now a concerted curatorial effort between the program heads, the assistants and the students within Visual Communication.


I was surprised to see the students’ presentation, which was highly skilled during my campus tour. Their ideas were very creative and the quality of their output is sophisticated. What is the most important thing in the process of approving student projects?


We support the development of technical and esthetic skills on one hand, but also emphasize that students continuously reflect their position within and in relation to the design profession. This includes learning to deal with differing design perspectives and also asking oneself what it means to be a professional designer. Our students are aware that graphic design is a globally competitive field that has in the past 30 years undergone a digital revolution, creating new norms and values. At the same time, this technology has increasingly enabled so-called “non-designers” to create graphic artefacts. Therefore, graphic designers have had to redefine their expertise and make their knowledge more explicit. We encourage our students to fully explore their ideas and the media they choose, and ask them to think about innovative forms of presenting and thinking about their work.


Some student projects include collaboration with global clients. How does this happen?


The BA and MA curriculum includes cooperation projects with national and international companies, organizations and other universities. These cooperation projects are initiated by the lecturers, many of whom own design studios or work in agencies as well as teaching. Through these projects, students have the possibility to work on complex problems with real-world consequences. The clients appreciate the freshness of the design ideas, and the students profit from the learning experience, the professional contacts and the much wider reach and exposure of their work.


Do you think that the education of children, or pedagogy, both today and in the future, should concern itself with creativity?


Definitely. Young children have really interesting and often delightful ideas about how the world works. The associations they make between things are often surprising and highly creative, and they work empirically, relying on close observation and deduction. The creative aspect is unfortunately often lost in formal schooling, where the focus lies on learning facts and giving correct answers: the children are told how to see the world. Also in many schools there is an artificial separation between areas in which children are allowed to be creative, such as arts and music, and areas in which they aren’t, such as mathematics or geography. For children, this can be a confusing message, since innovations and new developments in all of these fields require unconventional and creative thinking. I would like to see more awareness — not only amongst educators, but more generally — that creativity can take many forms and that anyone can be creative.

現在のデザインの役割は何だと思いますか? また、未来ではどうなると思いますか?

What do think of the role of design now? And what will it be in the future?



The role of design is clearly changing and we are currently in the middle of it. I see a pronounced difference in that graphic designers more forcefully resist the assumption that they only make things “look nice” and should only be consulted in the final phase of a project. Designers have been expanding not only the topics or areas they engage with, but also their knowledge and skill set. They are crossing into other fields and become, for instance, designers/programmers, designers/anthropologists or designers/community organizers. This will increase in the future, as we recognize that many problems we wish to tackle are highly complex and require more than one disciplinary perspective. The future role of design may then be that it acts increasingly as a force that connects, convenes or facilitates, and provides new viewpoints by showing and making experienceable risks and possibilities connected with future developments — a prospect that makes now a very inspiring time to be a designer.

Interview: Sarah Owens, Professor

Interviewed: 2019.3.26
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Zurich University of the Arts(チューリッヒ芸術大学)

Zurich University of the Arts
With around 2,100 Bachelor and Master students and 650 teaching staff, Zurich University of the Arts is one of the major universities of the arts in Europe. The study and research program covers the areas of design, film, fine arts, music, dance, theater, transdisciplinary studies, and the teaching of arts and design. The university also has many venues for exhibitions and performances, where the results of the education provided can be shown in public.